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Headaches in Thunder Bay

woman sitting at table holding forehead with a headacheConstant headaches can be a burden on your body, mind, and life. Port Arthur Chiropractic Centre can identify the cause of your headaches and provide solutions that bring relief and joy.

Finding the Cause for Your Headaches

As chiropractors, the first thing we do is assess the origin of the problem. Headaches can stem from a variety of issues, from hormones to circulatory problems to nerve irritation

Many headaches are caused by issues with the spine and nervous system. Pressure on or interference with certain nerves can cause tension in muscles and aching in the head. Dr DiGiuseppe can locate nerve interference through a comprehensive assessment he does with each new patient.

Prescribing a Suitable Solution for You

Once we find out the precise reason you are experiencing headaches, we can determine the way to restore your health.

At Port Arthur Chiropractic Centre, we don’t champion or stick to one specific method. Instead, we focus on the principle of removing nerve interference and increasing mobilization. We regularly utilize a combination of the following methods of care:

Our goal is to alleviate pressure and pain by any means necessary! This often will include, spinal adjustments and mobilization techniques in combination with some soft tissue techniques .

Learn Keys to Your Healing

Care at our Thunder Bay office is just the start. We give you awareness about your posture and give you exercises and other practical ways to reduce stresses on your body, speeding up the alleviation of your headaches.

Body positioning and posture are important, whether that be during sleep, while working or studying on a computer or the hours you spend each week looking at your phone.

Get on the Healing Path Today

Relief from headaches often happens as we fix spinal misalignments and alleviate related muscle tension. While complete health may not be immediate, patients often report significant improvement after just one adjustment.

The speed of healing depends on the severity of the problem, as well as the health status of the patient. Multiple appointments may be needed just to get past the inflammatory stage before longer term healing can begin.

Are you ready to get started? Contact us to book an appointment!



Headache Treatment Thunder Bay ON | (807) 345-9700