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Low Back Pain / Sciatica in Thunder Bay

woman on fancy couch with back painHandle the acute episodes or nagging presence of low back pain with a chiropractic assessment and care. At Port Arthur Chiropractic Centre in Thunder Bay, we can determine the cause of your low back pain and provide actionable steps that bring lasting healing at any age.

Our First Step is Find the Why

Like headaches, often nerve interference or pressure on nerves cause lower back pain. We assess your body to determine the primary reason for your pain. It could be one of the following:

  • Muscle strain
  • Joint sprain
  • Nerve irritation
  • Disc injury

Disc injuries are especially serious and can develop into sciatica, which is a condition that is characterized by irritation at the roots of the sciatic nerve, located at the very low part of your back.

The Second Step is Find the Solution

Once we find the cause of your discomfort, we can formulate next steps. The guiding principle is to restore movement. The more we get the spine, muscles, and joints moving again, the more tension, inflammation, pain, and spinal nerve irritation can be reduced.

We may use a combination of chiropractic care techniques and at-home exercises to get you better. You can help yourself by drinking plenty of water and going on regular walks, too.

Recognize the Contributing Factors Early

Don’t wait until minor problems become major issues. If you’re aware of any level of low back pain, come get checked out by us. We can help by giving you better postural awareness and recommendations on lifestyle changes.

Pay attention to limited flexibility and imbalance in movement or sitting patterns. While sharp or intense pain may not yet be present, these conditions can be a signal that your low back pain will develop into more significant symptoms.

Low back pain can lead to persistent and serious secondary problems like trouble sleeping, mood irregularities, and digestive issues. Sciatic nerve tension and interference can result in shooting pain through your buttocks, down your legs, and even into your toes.

Start Low Back Healing Today

Take the steps to protect your health. Contact us today to make an appointment!



Low Back Pain / Sciatica Treatment Thunder Bay ON | (807) 345-9700